May 13 – 15, 2021
UTC timezone

Contribution List

34 / 34
5/13/21, 9:00 AM
CC Liu (JingLing), Edwin Hao
5/13/21, 12:45 PM
Igor Ljubuncic (Canonical)
5/13/21, 1:30 PM
Javier Jardón (Codethink), Nicole Mpofu
5/13/21, 2:15 PM
Mr Will Thompson (Endless OS Foundation)
5/14/21, 9:00 AM
Ecosystem Growth

[flatpak-external-data-checker][1] started life as a side-project at Endless, notifying the team when a small number of unofficial Flatpak wrappers for third-party proprietary apps in Endless' own Flatpak repository needed attention. Three years and sixteen developers later, it checks and automatically updates [over a hundred apps on...

Douglas DeMaio (openSUSE)
5/14/21, 1:45 PM
Be Wilson (Mixxx, Whisperfish)
5/14/21, 3:00 PM
Allyson Alexandrou, Aniqa Khokhar, Tomaz Canabrava, Regina Nkemchor, Manuel Haro, Mustapha Abubakar, Hong Phuc Dang
5/15/21, 4:00 PM
People and Communications

Community leaders and experts from around the world discuss their Open Source Communities and the experiences.