May 13 – 15, 2021
UTC timezone

Making flatpaks from Fedora RPMs

May 14, 2021, 9:45 AM


Platform Diversity


Jan Beran


Some of you may know flatpaks as a new, distribution-independent way to distribute your applications. But did you know there is a direct way to turn your Fedora RPM package into flatpak in the Fedora infrastructure?
In the talk, I would like to explain the idea behind flatpak and the difference between standard flatpaks (eg. from flathub) and the Fedora ones. After this brief introduction, I would aim at the process of the RPM-to-flatpak conversion, what is needed and how to perform a successful conversion. Finally, I would demonstrate the whole process of conversion on some simple application.
This talk is aimed at developers and RPM package maintainers (rather than end users).

Author(s) Bio

I currently work as an intern in Redhat in Brno, CZ. My job is converting RPMs into flatpaks and helping people interested in the idea to convert their own application.

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