May 13 – 15, 2021
UTC timezone

Make your application multi-platform!

May 13, 2021, 5:30 PM


Platform Diversity


Arjan MolenaarMr Dan Yeaw


Many people use Windows and macOS as their OS of choice. If we want to expose them to Open Source software, we have to bring the software to them. Some large projects, like GIMP and Inkscape, are available on those platforms.

What does it take to make your application available on Windows and macOS? Dan and Arjan, maintainers of Gaphor, did just this.

In this talk we dive in to what it takes to make your application available on all major desktop platforms. Why should you bother? How can you make it happen, and what does it bring to your project? Tune in and find out!

Twitter and/or Mastodon Handle

Dan: @danyeaw,
Arjan: @ajmolenaar

Author(s) Bio

Dan Yeaw is an engineer who helps design safety in to complex autonomous and electrified vehicles at Ford Motor Company. He is passionate about using Python and open source in engineering and he is a core contributor to the BeeWare project.

Arjan is a software engineer working for Xebia in The Netherlands. He's been involved in numerous projects ranging from financial systems to embedded applications. He's a long time GNOME user and core contributor to Gaphor.

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