May 13 – 15, 2021
UTC timezone

Funding Krita

May 13, 2021, 11:45 AM


Platform Diversity


Mrs Halla Rempt (Krita)


We started funding development for Krita in 2010. Currently, nine people work full-time on Krita, the digital painting application. Over the years, we have tried different ways of funding Krita: donations, store sales, a development fund, contract work for companies like Intel and Blender Studio, sales of training materials and resource packs.

Currently, one person is funded through donations, the others through sales in the Windows Store and Steam. We are working to join the Epic Store. And we are working a new Development Fund website.

In this presentation we'll talk about Krita's funding history, and how well the different approaches have worked for us through the years, and what we would need to make the linux desktop community do their bit to support Krita's development.

Author(s) Bio

Halla Rempt started working on Krita in 2003. In 2004, she became the official maintainer of the project. She created the Krita Foundation specifically to fund development of Krita.

Twitter and/or Mastodon Handle

@krita_painting, @hallarempt

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Primary author

Mrs Halla Rempt (Krita)

Presentation materials