Apr 29 – 30, 2022
Youth Center Smart Lab
Europe/Rome timezone

Status of Flathub payments/donations support

Apr 29, 2022, 11:45 AM
Room 2

Room 2



Mr Daniel Silverstone (Codethink)


Flathub is the de-facto default store for flatpaks apps. Adding support to be able to make and receive payments has been an important feature for a long time. At the beginning of this year the Flathub organization, supported by the GNOME Foundation and Endless Network, decided to go ahead and sponsor the development necessary to make this happen

This talk will outline the current status of the project to add support for payments in Flathub, which will, ultimately, allow creators to receive donations or to charge for their apps.

We see this as a great opportinity to create a rich ecosystem of applications for Linux; not only in the more traditional Linux desktop space, but in new/emerging devices that are starting to appear on the market (such as new GNU/Linux phones, or new gaming devices based on Linux such as the Steam Deck)

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