4–5 Oct 2024
America/Monterrey timezone

SELinux: Myths and realities

5 Oct 2024, 11:10
Presentation (40 min) Main Track


Mr Alex Callejas


Security-Enhanced Linux is a security module that is considered very complicated to use, even the recommendation of several vendors is to disable it.
In this session, from very simple examples, I will show all the functionalities of the module to demonstrate its ease of use. Being a policy-based access control, it offers a very flexible security layer to harden Red Hat-based systems.

Author(s) Bio

Alex Callejas is a Services Content Architect of Red Hat, based in Mexico City and an Enable Sysadmin contributor. With more than 20 years of experience as Sysadmin, he has strong expertise on infrastructure hardening and automation. Enthusiast of open source, supports the community sharing his knowledge in different events of public access and universities.
Author of the book Fedora Linux Administration by Packt.
Geek by nature, Linux by choice, Fedora of course.

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Participation In person
Level of Difficulty Beginner
Pronouns He/Him

Primary author

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