4–5 Oct 2024
America/Monterrey timezone

The Importance of Consistency: New Human Interface Guidelines for KDE

4 Oct 2024, 14:25
Presentation (25 min) Main Track


Mr Nate Graham (KDE)


Over the years, KDE's software has been described in many ways, but "consistent user interface" was rarely one of them.

That's ending now! KDE's Nate Graham explains what was wrong with KDE's old Human Interface Guidelines, introduces its brand new ones, and talks about the user interface design benefits of high-quality HIG in general.

Though these guidelines were written with a KDE perspective in mind, many of their recommendations apply equally well to all software!

Author(s) Bio

Nate Graham has been a KDE contributor for 7 years, and currently serves on its Board of Directors. He works for Blue Systems as a QA manager for KDE projects.

Participation In person
Level of Difficulty Beginner
Pronouns He/Him

Primary author

Mr Nate Graham (KDE)

Presentation materials

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