4–5 Oct 2024
America/Monterrey timezone

Learning from Embedded Linux

4 Oct 2024, 13:55
Presentation (25 min) Main Track


Aleix Pol


In the world of FOSS and Linux we have historically been divided between how the industry creates Linux-based products and how we approach it.

In this presentation, I will reflect on this topic and offer ideas to strengthen our app ecosystem. By bridging these two worlds, we can make our products more accessible and easier to adopt across various platforms, including those used in embedded Linux environments.

Author(s) Bio

I have been working on KDE products for a while now as a software engineer. I am also the KDE e.V. President.

Twitter and/or Mastodon Handle


Participation In person
Level of Difficulty Intermediate
Pronouns He/Him

Primary author

Presentation materials

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