4–5 Oct 2024
America/Monterrey timezone

Nitrux: User-based App Management

5 Oct 2024, 10:00
Presentation (25 min)


Mr Uri Herrera (Nitrux Latinoamericana S.C.)


Nitrux is a distribution that doesn’t revolve around a package manager like other distributions; in Nitrux, the preferred method of obtaining new software is using AppImages. However, we understand that not all software is available as an AppImage. So, by default, we have included various options for users, such as Flatpak and Distrobox, to complement AppImages.

Additionally, Nitrux is an immutable distribution (the root is immutable by default), with the idea being that by making the root immutable, we provide users with a functional system that will not break over an update from a delivery channel we can’t control and that each upgrade to a new version occurs without anomalies, what we call “to have degree of certainty.” In fact, in Nitrux, there is no package manager because, of course, having a package manager that can alter the root wholly defeats the purpose.

Having laid out the context, let's look at how users can manage software in Nitrux.

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Author(s) Bio

I’m a Mexico-based multidisciplinary designer with ten years of experience focusing on User Interface, Web, and Graphic Design. I’m passionate about helping start-ups with my design skills. I enjoy turning complex problems into simple, beautiful, intuitive interface designs, technology, music, coffee, and everything visually stimulating. You’ll find me shooting bad guys online when I’m not pushing pixels.

Participation In person
Level of Difficulty Beginner
Pronouns He/him
Do you require any special accommodations? No

Primary author

Mr Uri Herrera (Nitrux Latinoamericana S.C.)

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