4–5 Oct 2024
America/Monterrey timezone

FileSender for secure file sharing on the desktop

4 Oct 2024, 11:40
Presentation (40 min) Main Track


Dr Benjamin Martin


Filesender allows users to securely share files with end to end
encryption using only the web browser. Filesender server instances are
offered by a number of National Research and Education Networks
(NREN)s around the world including CUDI allowing university students
to securely collaborate on research.

There are a number of command line clients using the Filesender REST API
including a recent addition using nodejs to employ the same cryptography
code in both the command line and browser data exchange paths.

Filesender uses AES-GCM-256 for encryption. I have been prototyping
the use of GPG to share the AES session passphrase securely. I would
love to present Filesender and discuss how we might offer better
integration of the service into the Linux desktop. The more people who
discover that they already have Filesender available for their free
use and can securely collaborate with each other the better for all!

Twitter and/or Mastodon Handle

realmonkeyiq on the twitters, monkeyiq on the elephants

Author(s) Bio

Dr Martin has been the Lead developer and maintainer of FileSender for many
years. He is also the maintainer of SimpleSAMLphp since December 2023.

Dr Martin is the creator of libferris and loves to push the envelope
of what a filesystem can do. He loves to build navigating robots, cnc
machines, and tinker with electronics.

Ben has presented at linux.conf.au, NLUUG, FLOSSUK, OLS, Linux
Kongress, OSDC, LGM, ICFCA, ICCS, and others.

Level of Difficulty Intermediate
Pronouns He

Primary author

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