21–23 Apr 2023
Europe/Prague timezone

Codes Aside: Breaking into open-source through documentation

Not scheduled
Lightning talk (10 min) Main Track


You want to contribute to open source but are intimidated by the high technical barrier required to contribute to certain projects because you are still a beginner coder? Start with the docs!

Docs are a lower barrier to entry, but are critical to the usability of any project. Have you ever read docs for a project where you think, "It's as though this docs expect that I already know how to use the package"? Every project requires a set of fresh eyes to spot flaws in the documentation that those close to the project may overlook. So you (exactly as you are) are important and needed.

Join me in this talk to learn everything you need to know about open-source documentation, including where to find projects in need of documentation assistance and how to get started.

Author(s) Bio

Linda Ikechukwu is a developer advocate at Smallstep Labs, where her mission is to demystify Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) and everything digital certificate usage for developers and DevOps engineers. Her 4 years as a software engineer (cloud + frontend) built the foundation for her current passion: creating educational materials that help developers learn new technologies. When she’s not creating tech content, you can find her on the tennis court or learning to play the guitar.
On the side, she maintains everythingtechnicalwriting.com, where she publishes content to help new tech content creators level up.

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Level of Difficulty Beginner
Pronouns She/Her

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