Apr 21 – 23, 2023
Europe/Prague timezone

Open-source fitness: wger, Feeel, and making an exercise wiki

Apr 23, 2023, 4:50 PM
Lightning talk (10 min) Main Track


Fitness has been a generally neglected topic when it comes to free software. We're bucking the trend and building two FOSS fitness apps — wger and Feeel — as well as a community-driven exercise wiki for those apps. With an open API and a CC BY-SA license for all content, anyone will be able to source exercise data from this wiki.

This talk will serve as a short intro to this effort as well as give a primer on how you can contribute.

Author(s) Bio

Miroslav Mazel is a UX designer by trade, but also a hobbyist developer. He works on Feeel as well as a few other smaller FOSS projects in his free time.

Roland Geider is the developer behind all of wger — the web application, the open API, and the mobile apps — all in his spare time.

Level of Difficulty Beginner
Pronouns he/him, he/him

Primary author

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