Apr 21 – 23, 2023
Europe/Prague timezone

We can’t spell BUGs without U

Apr 23, 2023, 4:30 PM
Lightning talk (10 min) Main Track


Every software user has encountered bugs in their daily life but many go unreported for a variety of reasons (lack of time to file the issue, under-confidence in the issue being seen/resolved, etc). This talk will encourage everyone to file issues and cover how to file a high quality bug in 15 min or less. The more valuable bugs that are filed, the better the software can be so learn how you can improve the ecosystem without costing yourself a ton of time!

Twitter and/or Mastodon Handle


Author(s) Bio

Heather is a community-minded software engineer at Canonical.

Level of Difficulty Beginner
Pronouns She/Her

Primary author

Mrs Heather Ellsworth (Canonical)

Presentation materials