Apr 29 – 30, 2022
Youth Center Smart Lab
Europe/Rome timezone

Linux: a viable platform for media art

Apr 29, 2022, 11:45 AM


Online Presentation (40 min)


Jean-Michaël Celerier (ossia.io)


This talk will present the field of media art to the summit: video art such as video mapping and projections, installation and kinetic art, audio creation for professional hardware such as AES67 systems and discuss about its uses by artists generally accustomed to macOS or Windows system, and how Linux enables them in many kind of approaches and issues, such as environmental friendliness and backup, replicability & preservability of artworks.
A tour of the ossia ecosystem, a set of software and libraries used to enable this kind of artistic creation will be given, with a breakdown of the tech stack and technical choices made along the way.

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