Apr 29 – 30, 2022
Youth Center Smart Lab
Europe/Rome timezone

How to Community: Anatomy of a Healthy Open Source Communities and Projects

Apr 29, 2022, 10:10 AM
Room 2

Room 2



Anita Ihuman (API7.ai)


We often think of a successful open source project as one that just tackles a challenge for the public. This perception has driven several open source project owners to start innovative open source projects without any plans on managing communities behind these projects and this leads to an increase in the number of dormant open source projects that already exist. A successful open source project is built on the collaborative effort of a healthy community. An adequately coordinated community can plan and develop projects and unanimously work together to ensure sustainability in project performance. The responsibility of achieving a thriving open source community does not rest on the community managers or the program managers alone but also on the whole community.
During this session, I will share with you an introduction to open source communities. How to build a healthy open-source community. The need to adopt the community first approach in an open source project. How to achieve a sustainable & inclusive community.

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