Apr 29 – 30, 2022
Youth Center Smart Lab
Europe/Rome timezone

A new distribution openSUSE Leap Micro

Apr 29, 2022, 5:45 PM
Youth Center Smart Lab

Youth Center Smart Lab

Rovereto, Italy
Lightning Talk (10 min) Platform Diversity


A new distribution openSUSE Leap Micro
openSUSE Leap Micro is a new distribution based on SUSE Linux Enterprise Micro with the main purpose to be a host-os with minimal footprint which fits well the app-centric world.

A small foot print, focus on the EDGE as well as data center, containerization and virtual machines, whatever flies your app. Leap Micro has a 6 months release cycle with support lasting until the next release or up to 4 years of support with a migration to SLE Micro.

Proposed type a 10 minutes lightning talk.

Author(s) Bio

Release Manager at SUSE

Level of Difficulty Beginner
Pronouns He/Him

Primary author

Luboš Kocman

Presentation materials

There are no materials yet.