Apr 21 – 23, 2023
Europe/Prague timezone

Flathub in 2023: Revolutionizing the Linux App Ecosystem

Apr 23, 2023, 2:00 PM
Presentation (40 min) Main Track


It's been a year since our last report to the application community. This year Flathub has seen enormous improvements in infrastructure, usage, and consumption by users.

Flathub is a popular app store for Linux operating systems that provides a centralized location for users to download and install applications. Flatpak is a packaging format for Linux that allows developers to create and distribute software that can run on multiple Linux distributions. They provide updated applications for users while offering a sandbox environment and providing all the dependencies an application needs to function properly.

This talk will summarize and explain the details of the progress that Flathub has made over the past 12 months.

  • Improved Website: Flathub's website received an overhaul in 2022,
    making it more user-friendly and accessible and adding support for payments and verified publishers
  • Increased Number of Applications: Application developers continue to add many new applications to the store
  • Integration with Linux Distributions: Flathub continued to work with Linux distributions to integrate Flatpak into their package managers, making it easier for users to install Flatpak applications.
  • More portals have been implemented, allowing for applications to have hooks into the host OS to provide the integration that users expect from modern desktops and applications.

Additionally there has been extensive work being done in the Flathub runtimes, allowing for dramatically improved gaming support, hardware enablement, and the ability to ship multiple builds of MESA to give users the flexibility they need.

Join us as we cover 2022 and talk about the improvements we're looking forward to showing you in 2023.

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Author(s) Bio

Rob McQueen is CEO at the Endless OS Foundation. Rob is an experienced engineering manager and company leader, and has been a user, developer and advocate for a Free and Open Source Linux desktop for nearly 20 years. Based in Cambridge, United Kingdom, Rob also currently serves as the President of the GNOME Foundation, a 501(c)(3) in the open source desktop space, and is Chair of the Board at OpenUK.

Jorge O. Castro is a community manager, specializing in Open Source. A cat herder – a combination of engineering, developer relations, and user advocacy. He spent the last 10 years or so delving into cloud land working with projects like Kubernetes and Cloud Custodian. Jorge is interested in helping the Linux desktop achieve the same level of ubiquity and success.

Level of Difficulty Beginner
Pronouns he/him for both

Primary authors

Jorge Castro (None) Robert McQueen (GNOME Foundation)

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