Apr 21 – 23, 2023
Europe/Prague timezone

Using Appium to test Linux apps

Apr 23, 2023, 4:10 PM
Lightning talk (10 min) Main Track


We'll talk about the KDE effort to adopt this popular test automation framework to test its own apps. After many years frustrated with other alternatives we found we have started deploying this new approach. We'll go through it's main advantages, why we think it will help our developer story and how you can adopt it to your project. Hint: it's very easy, if you support Linux's standard accessibilty infrastructure.


Author(s) Bio

Aleix Pol is an experienced software developer, passionate about open source and community-driven projects. He has been involved in the KDE community for over a decade, serving as the president of the KDE e.V. and contributing to numerous KDE applications and libraries. Aleix has been working on many KDE and Plasma aspects of the app ecosystem like on the software centre but also on the frameworks and SDK.

Twitter and/or Mastodon Handle

@AleixPol, @AleixPol@fosstodon.org

Level of Difficulty Intermediate
Pronouns he

Primary author

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