Nov 12 – 14, 2020
UTC timezone

The Prism of Collaborative Marketing in Open Source

Nov 12, 2020, 7:05 PM



Melissa Logan


The role of marketing in open source is to increase usage and adoption, and collaborating with members of your ecosystem can vastly extend your reach. But developing a shared vision across multiple organizations with different goals requires as much finesse as working on open source code itself—neutrality, trust, and a willingness to find common ground are crucial. How do you create an architecture of participation? This keynote demonstrates how marketing, refracted through an open source ecosystem, expands the spectrum of outcomes more than any single organization acting alone.

About Melissa:
A 20-year veteran of technology marketing that began in the dot-com era, Melissa Logan pioneered the role of the open source marketer that helped fuel the rise of open source software development. She led marketing for open source projects at The Linux Foundation and founded, a firm that supports open source projects/companies such as Apache Cassandra, Tidelift, and others. Previously, she worked with companies as diverse as Microsoft, Isilon (acquired by EMC), Octarine (acquired by VMware), Meridian (acquired by Aruba Networks), and others.

Logan loves all things open source and community, and spends the rest of her time riding horses in the vaquero style. She launched the Sexism Field Guide in 2018 to help people identify and confront all forms of sexism. Logan graduated from the University of Oregon with a degree in Journalism and Political Science, but only uses one of those. Life goal: The benevolent advancement of humanity’s best ideas.

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